To register DoubleScroll, press the “Print Order Form...” button below. A dialog box will come up prompting you to enter your name and address, as well as a couple of other questions. When you are finished inputting your information, press the “Print” button. The order form will print out with all your information on it. Mail the form along with a check or money order made payable to ISYS Development Corp. for the proper amount ($10 per copy) to the following address:
Edward Voas
ISYS Development Corp.
81 Dean Ave.
Smithfield, RI 02917-3628
Within 14 days after your payment is received, you will be sent a registration number. Type the number into the box below and click the Register button. Remember to type the number exactly as it appears in the letter you receive.
NOTE: CompuServe members can register online, just GO SWREG.